Medicare Supplement Birthday Rule

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Russell Noga
by Russell Noga | Updated December 19th, 2023

Medicare Supplement Birthday Rule - States

Are you a Medicare beneficiary who’s ever felt stuck with your current Medigap plan, or wondered if there was a way to change your plan without facing increased costs due to pre-existing conditions?

The Medicare Supplement Birthday Rule might just be the answer you’ve been looking for. This rule, available in seven states, provides Medigap policyholders with a unique opportunity to switch plans without medical underwriting during a specific time frame around their birthday.

In this blog post, we’ll dive into the details of the Birthday Rule, explore how it varies by state, and discuss how to use it effectively to make the most of your Medigap coverage options.


Key Takeaways

  • The Medicare Birthday Rule offers policyholders the chance to switch plans without medical underwriting surrounding their birthday.
  • States have implemented unique parameters and regulations for the rule, such as California’s 91-day window or Oregon’s 31-day window.
  • We can help simplify navigating Medigap coverage options and make use of the Birthday Rule.

Understanding the Medicare Supplement Birthday Rule

What states allow you to change medicare supplement The Medicare Birthday Rule, also known as the Medicare Supplement Birthday Rule, is a valuable yet lesser-known provision that allows Medigap policyholders in certain states to change plans without medical underwriting within a designated period surrounding their birthday.

With the Birthday Rule in place, Medicare beneficiaries can enjoy increased flexibility and choice in their Medigap coverage, potentially saving on premium costs.

Currently, the Birthday Rule is available in the following states:


  • California
  • Oregon
  • Idaho
  • Maryland
  • Illinois
  • Nevada
  • Louisiana


To make the most of the Birthday Rule, you should familiarize yourself with the stipulations specific to your state and how to transition to a plan with the same medical coverage but lower premiums.

In addition to the Birthday Rule, some alternatives include Special Enrollment Periods and Year-Round Open Enrollment States.


The Purpose of the Birthday Rule

The primary aim of the Birthday Rule is to provide Medigap enrollees with greater freedom of choice and flexibility by allowing them to switch plans without having to go through medical underwriting.

By offering a special enrollment period around the enrollee’s birthday, the rule enables Medicare beneficiaries to explore different plan options without the fear of being denied coverage or facing increased premiums based on their health status.

This added flexibility can not only lower costs but also encourage enrollees to find the best plan to meet their individual healthcare needs.



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How the Birthday Rule Works

While the underlying concept of the Birthday Rule is consistent across states, the specifics can vary.

Each state implementing the rule has its own enrollment windows and plan-switching options available to Medicare beneficiaries.

Generally, the rule offers an open enrollment period annually around one’s date of birth, enabling beneficiaries to switch Medicare Supplement plans without medical underwriting.

The rule may differ by state, but usually allows one to switch Medigap plans to another Medigap plan with the same or a lower level of benefits.



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Medicare Supplement Birthday Rule States


  • California
  • Idaho
  • Illinois
  • Louisiana
  • Maryland
  • Nevada
  • Oklahoma
  • Oregon


Several states have recognized the benefits of the Birthday Rule and have implemented it with their own unique parameters and regulations, often referred to as birthday rules.

This blog post delves into the specifics of the Birthday Rule as it applies in the following states:

Comprehending the variations in each state’s rule will enable you to navigate the complexities of Medigap coverage and make informed decisions about your healthcare plan.


California Birthday Rule

In California, the Birthday Rule grants residents the option to switch to a new Medigap plan with equal or fewer benefits within a 90-day window surrounding their birthday.

This window starts 30 days before the individual’s birthday and extends for 60 days after. Coverage under the new Medigap policy will typically become effective on the first day of the month following the application date or later than 60 days from the application date.


California medigap birthday rule


With this rule, Californians can take advantage of their birth month to explore more cost-effective Medigap plan options without the fear of being denied coverage due to pre-existing conditions.


Oregon Birthday Rule

Oregon’s Birthday Rule is another example of a state-specific implementation of the Medigap Birthday Rule. In Oregon, Medicare beneficiaries are permitted to switch to another Medigap plan of equal or lesser value within 30 days after their birthday.


What is the birthday rule for Medicare in Oregon?


This provides Oregonians with a unique opportunity to explore alternative coverage options and potentially save on premium costs without having to worry about medical underwriting.

Having a grasp of the specific regulations of the Oregon Birthday Rule, residents can make informed decisions about their Medigap coverage during their special enrollment window.


Idaho Birthday Rule

In Idaho, the Birthday Rule provides Medigap plan holders with a 63-day open enrollment period that begins on their birthday. This rule, which took effect on March 1, 2022, allows Idaho residents to switch their Medigap policy to one with equal or lesser benefits within the specified time frame.


Medicare supplement plans idaho


By offering this extended enrollment window, Idaho aims to provide its residents with greater flexibility and choice in their Medigap coverage, enabling them to find the most suitable plan for their healthcare needs.


Maryland Birthday Rule

Maryland’s Birthday Rule is another example of a state-specific approach to the Medigap Birthday Rule.

In Maryland, enrollees are allowed to switch to a Medigap plan with equal or lesser coverage within 30 days of their birthday without underwriting or health questions.


Maryland medigap birthday rule


This rule allows Maryland residents to:


  • Explore different Medigap plans
  • Potentially find a more cost-effective option
  • Avoid being denied coverage or facing higher premiums based on their health status.


Knowing the specifics of the Maryland Birthday Rule will enable residents to make informed decisions about their Medigap coverage during their special enrollment window.


Illinois Birthday Rule

Illinois’ Birthday Rule allows residents aged 65-75 to enroll in another Medigap plan with equal or lesser benefits within 45 days from their birthday, but only with their current insurance company.


Illinois birthday rule medicare supplement


This rule provides a unique opportunity for Illinois residents to explore more cost-effective Medigap plan options within their current insurance company without the fear of being denied coverage due to pre-existing conditions.

When residents understand the specific regulations of the Illinois Birthday Rule, they can make informed decisions about their Medigap coverage during their special enrollment window.


Nevada Birthday Rule

The Nevada Birthday Rule permits Medicare Supplement plan holders to switch to any Medigap plan with equal or lesser benefits starting the first day of their birth month and extending to 60 days beyond.


Nevada Birthday Rule


This rule provides Nevada residents with the opportunity to explore alternative coverage options and potentially save on premium costs without having to worry about medical underwriting.

Understanding the specific regulations of the Nevada Birthday Rule enables residents to make informed decisions about their Medigap coverage during their special enrollment window.


Louisiana Birthday Rule

In Louisiana, the Birthday Rule offers a birthday rule for Medigap, beginning 30 days prior to your birthday and extending to 63 days after, allowing plan changes with equal or lesser benefits from the same insurance company.


Louisiana birthday rule medicare supplement


This rule provides Louisiana residents with the opportunity to explore alternative coverage options and potentially save on premium costs without having to worry about medical underwriting.

Familiarity with the specific regulations of the Louisiana Birthday Rule can assist residents in making informed decisions about their Medigap coverage during their special enrollment window.

How to Use the Birthday Rule Effectively

The Birthday Rule offers Medigap enrollees a valuable opportunity to switch plans without medical underwriting during a specific time frame around their birthday.

To reap the maximum benefits from this rule, it’s vital to strategically time your plan switch and thoroughly compare available plans and benefits, ensuring you make the best-informed decision.


Timing Your Plan Switch

Timing your plan switch involves understanding your state’s specific Birthday Rule window and making changes within that time frame.

For instance, in California, individuals have a period of 60 days from the first day of their birth month to switch to a Medigap plan with the same or lower level of benefits. In Louisiana, you can switch your Medigap plan up to 30 days prior to your birthday and 63 days after your birthday has passed.

Understanding your state’s specific regulations and timing your plan switch accordingly will help you maximize the benefits of the Birthday Rule and make the most of your Medigap coverage options.


Comparing Plans and Benefits

Comparing plans and benefits requires researching available options and considering factors such as:

Kentucky medicare supplement birthday rule

  • coverage,
  • cost,
  • and provider networks.

You can use our FREE online quote engine to check rates in your area or call us today at 1-888-891-0229 for help.

Taking time to carefully compare available plans and benefits ensures that your decision regarding your Medigap coverage is as informed as possible.


Potential Future Expansion of the Birthday Rule

The future expansion of the Birthday Rule depends on the pros and cons of wider adoption and factors influencing state decisions.

As more states consider implementing the rule, it’s important to balance the potential benefits of increased competition and lower rates against the risk of adverse selection and higher costs for some enrollees.

Examining the factors that have influenced the rule’s adoption in states like California, Oregon, and Idaho can provide insight into the potential for future expansion of the Birthday Rule and its impact on Medigap coverage.


Pros and Cons of Wider Adoption

Washington medicare supplement birthday rule Wider adoption of the Birthday Rule could potentially increase competition among insurance companies and lower rates for Medicare beneficiaries, as consumers would have more opportunities to switch insurers during their birthday rule window.

However, wider adoption may also lead to adverse selection, as individuals with greater healthcare needs may be more likely to join specific insurance plans.

This could result in higher premiums for all enrollees, as the cost of providing healthcare services would be shared among all members.

Grasping the potential advantages and disadvantages of wider adoption of the Birthday Rule can guide future decisions regarding its expansion.


Factors Influencing State Decisions

Factors influencing state decisions regarding the expansion of the Birthday Rule include:


  • the impact on insurance markets,
  • consumer demand,
  • and regulatory considerations.


States may examine the potential for increased competition and improved access to coverage, as well as the potential for adverse selection and its impact on premium costs.

By considering these factors, states can make informed decisions about whether to adopt the Birthday Rule and how it may affect their residents’ Medigap coverage options.

Alternatives to the Birthday Rule

While the Birthday Rule offers a unique opportunity for Medigap enrollees to switch plans without medical underwriting during a specific time frame around their birthday, there exist other alternatives worth considering.

These alternatives include special enrollment periods and year-round open enrollment in certain states.

Understanding these options allows Medicare beneficiaries to make informed decisions about their original Medicare and Medigap coverage and explore all possible avenues for modifying their plans.


Special Enrollment Periods

Special enrollment periods may be available for Medigap enrollees in specific situations, such as plan provider rule-breaking or closure.


California birthday rule baby


In these cases, beneficiaries may be eligible to switch their Medigap plan without the need for medical underwriting.

Understanding the circumstances that may qualify you for a special enrollment period can help you make the most of your Medigap coverage options and ensure that you have the necessary coverage when you need it.


Year-Round Open Enrollment States

For residents of Connecticut, New York, and Vermont, year-round open enrollment periods for Medigap plans are available.


What is the birthday rule for Medicare supplements in California


This means that individuals in these states can:


All of these changes can be made at any point during the year.

While not the same as the Birthday Rule, the Medicare open enrollment period offers another alternative for Medicare beneficiaries seeking flexibility in their Medigap coverage options.

Navigating the Complexities of Medigap Coverage

Navigating the complexities of Medigap coverage can be challenging, but there are resources available to help guide you through the process.

Our licensed agents, support services, and online resources can provide valuable information and guidance on the Birthday Rule, special enrollment periods, and year-round open enrollment options.

Leveraging these resources can help you make informed decisions about your Medigap coverage and find the plan that best meets your healthcare needs.


Licensed Agents and Support Services

Licensed agents and support services, such as here at, can assist with understanding and utilizing the Birthday Rule and other Medigap options.

Our professionals can provide guidance on the rule’s function and help beneficiaries navigate the process of modifying their Medigap plans without medical underwriting during their birthday month.

We can also aid beneficiaries in comparing different Medigap plans, explain the coverage options, and help them enroll.

Working with one of our licensed agents can help you navigate the complexities of Medigap coverage more effectively and make the most informed decisions possible.


In conclusion, understanding the Medicare Supplement Birthday Rule and its variations across states is crucial for Medicare beneficiaries seeking to make the most of their Medigap coverage options.

The Birthday Rule, along with alternatives such as special enrollment periods and year-round open enrollment, provides valuable flexibility for enrollees to switch plans without facing increased costs due to pre-existing conditions.

By utilizing licensed agents, support services, and online resources, beneficiaries can navigate the complexities of Medigap coverage and make informed decisions about their healthcare plans.



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Frequently Asked Questions

What state has a birthday rule for Medicare supplements?

California, Idaho, Illinois, Nevada, Louisiana, Maryland, and Oregon are the seven states with birthday rules for Medicare Supplements.

This rule allows you to change Medigap plans without medical underwriting.


What is the birthday rule for Medigap?

The Medigap birthday rule allows individuals currently enrolled in a Medigap plan to change their plan without a medical exam during a short window of time around their birthday.

During this birthday rule period, changes you make to your Medigap coverage are not subject to underwriting or health questions and you can buy a new Medigap policy without a medical screening or a new waiting period.


Are Medicare Supplement rates based on age?

Medicare Supplement plans offered from several companies can be based on age. Attained-age pricing means that the premium cost is determined by the age you are when you buy the policy, and your premiums will increase as you age.

Additionally, issue-age pricing involves premiums based on your age when the policy is issued, and will not increase due to age as you get older, but they most certainly will increase based in inflation factors.


Is Medicare different in each state?

Medicare (Part A and Part B) is a federal program, so coverage, costs, and benefits do not vary from state to state.

Optional Medicare plans such as Medicare Advantage, Medicare Part D, and Medigap plans may differ in each state, as they are regulated by the state and provided by private insurers.

Find the Right Medicare Plan for You

Finding the right Medicare Plan 2024 doesn’t have to be confusing. Whether it’s a Medigap plan, or you want to know more about the Medicare Supplement birthday rule in the States, we can help.

Call us today at 1-888-891-0229 and one of our knowledgeable, licensed insurance agents will be happy to assist you!


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